Let's Explore the Feature Guide.

With VystaPoint, you get the VIP experience every step of the way. Check out some of the features you get when you chose VystaPoint for your Digital Workplace solution!​​

Talk more, worry less.

Communication Tools

Harness the knowledge of your entire workforce and find ideas worth acting on!
  • Give all your workers a way to be heard
  • Quickly get global feedback on any topic
  • Likes/Commenting to find most popular ideas
  • Interact from the boardroom to your frontline
Employee Communication is shifting from email to other collaboration tools, however email will remain an important part of our work lives.
  • Centralized email feed keeps users from system jumping.
  • See read and unread emails
  • Browse Subject, Summary and Detailed email
  • Launch directly into an email right from your hub page
Surface relvant News, Updates and Announcements to teams, departments or the entire organization and make sure all your workers are aligned and in the know.
  • Personalized and Targeted
  • Presentation/Display options (Carousel, list, side-by-side, hub news, top story)
  • Single or combined sources
  • Recommended based on User Profile
Keep everyone informed with Aggregated, Dedicated or Multiple selectable news feeds constantly updating and displaying information relevant to you and your business.
  • Keeps content current and dynamic
  • Puts relevant information right in front of your workers
  • Selectable feeds provide the user options for what is important
  • Dynamically modify RSS feed based on user profile
Jumpstart your peer-to-peer interaction and create a place for workers to come together for both work and off-work topics.
  • Virtual Water-cooler digital interaction for employee bonding
  • Topic specific discussion threads private and public
  • Notifications so you never miss an update
  • Stay connected in-office, remote and hybrid
Provide centralized access to your company Social Feeds from Twitter, InstaGram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • Display social feeds on select pages
  • Stay connected to your corporate social pulse
  • Post updates once and distribute to all Social platforms
Stay connected to your entire team and see who’s available to start a conversation with one person or start a group chat.
  • Walkie Talkie push to talk
  • Secure professional comms
  • Include rich media, emojis, attachments
  • Gather insights
  • Polls/Surveys
Target information or secure to provide a personalized experience for each user.
  • Navigation, pages, news, events, quick links, information, content
  • Block restricted information from search results
  • AAD users, user properties (department, location, languge) groups
Highlight your employees of the month, day, week, year and feature them on your SharePoint or Teams Hub Page or Department Pages.
  • Work accomplishments, Birthdays, Anniversaries
  • Create a strong employee culture through recognition
  • Respected and appreciated employees are more engaged
  • Foster meaningful connections between coworkers.
Quick, uncomplicated, Enterprise Secure, Instant Messaging and Professional Comms Business Solutions for desk-less frontline workers
  • 1:1 and Group chat
  • Media and Document Sharing
  • Polling, Surveys, Announcements
  • Offline support
  • System integration and automation
Help your workers nurture wellbeing and be the best they can be. Peoples wellbeing enables productivity, innovation, and engagement with their work.
  • Personal insights
  • Headspace for meditation and mindfulness
  • Virtual commute
  • Private Time with no interruptions
Create your corporate social network and create public and private groups for extended communication across your business.
  • Enable discoverable topics
  • Higher velocity communication channel
  • Facilitates large group discussion

In the know.

Content Management Tools

Aggregate documents from multiple sources with Search, Filtering and Grouping
  • Single list to view/navigate documents across channels
  • Increased document discoverability
  • User specific document view merged from SharePoint, OneDrive, Box, Google Docs
Corporate repository where all frequently asked questions and answers are managed
  • Organize information by Category for easy browsing
  • Powerful Search to quickly get answers
  • Most viewed Q&A rise to the top
  • New questions are easily submited and routed to the appropriate SME’s to be added to the KB for everyone
Publish Content in multiple languages and translate your custom apps user interface to display functions in the users selected language settings
  • Variations and multilingual pages
  • Integrated machine-translation (Machine Translation API)
  • Text translation

Create a Corporate Wiki-Pedia and encourage all your workers to contribute their knowledge, skills and best practices in your own corporate collaborative encyclopedia of information

  • Community governed information
  • Topic/Category notifications
  • Powerful Search
Bring targeted learning assets into the workers centralized hub where they get all their information. Empower workers to grow their skills and drive organizational success
  • LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Learn
  • Third party content providers, Learning Management Systems and companies own learning assets
  • Workers can discover, share, assign and learn

Transform Teams or SharePoint into your Centralized Digital Workplace Hub as your single pane of glass to all your systems, knowledge assets, information and content. Provide daily value that drives user adoption.

  • DWP page when users log in to Teams or SharePoint
  • MegaMenu, Global Navigation, Advanced Search
  • Branded and personalized
  • Link to systems or integrate interactions on the page
Provide a single view of related information curated from multiple systems.
  • Connect Customer Context from unconnected cloud systems
  • Tasks for a Customer may be coming from SF.com, Service Now, Planner, Success Factors
  • Display one centralized view from all systems for that customer
Store Photos and Video organized by topics stored in SharePoint accessed from Microsoft Stream, YouTube or Vimeo
  • Centrally manage all your photos and videos
  • Add audience profile targeting to limit what is displayed/accessible
  • Surface your corporat approved media or provide access to photos from UnSplash
Check-out a file to work on it. When you’re finished, check it back in. Team members can see when a file is checked out and get notified when it is checked in.
  • Everything gets tracked so changes are viewable later
  • Check-out files, pages, media, etc…

Talk more, worry less.

Create customized business process automation that is more modern, accessible, agile, and scalable by harnessing the power of smart workflows that push everything forward.
  • Model process across connected data sources and services
  • Guide your users through processes
  • Automate across over 200 connected sources
Fully leverage the power of Microsoft Search with insights from Microsoft Graph to make results more relevant and targeted.
  • Microsoft Search box is visible to users across Microsoft 365
  • High Relevancy and Monitoring
  • Search API provides query method to customize
  • Full in document text search Filter and Sort for more granular results

Universal Task List curated from To Do, Planner, Trello, SharePoint Tasks to provide logged in user centralized view of all Tasks.

  • Filtered, Grouping, Details
  • Centrally manage/update status
  • Add new tasks and assign resource and timing
  • Modify and submit changes

See all my events in a single calendar work week veiw so I never miss an important meeting or deadline.

  • SharePoint, Outlook, Teams, Google calendar items
  • Filter by calendar source
  • Drill into details for each event
  • Display Group and Department calendars
Global navigation can link to all your required resources internally and externally,while staying consistent across sites and Teams. Mega Menu or Cascading navigation view
  • Personalized Audience Targeting
  • Labels and Sub-links for 2-level hierarchal drop downs
  • Use Emojis to add visual effect to links
Microsoft PowerApps and Power Automate are the tools of choice for building complex approval workflows and process automation
  • Single, Sequential, Parallel approvals
  • List, library, items or files/folders, site, reusable workflows
  • When item is created, modified, deleted, selected
  • Advanced Actions/Triggers

Measure what your employees are viewing, interacting with and who is engaging and when. Get content stats, sentiment analysis, view reports and read confirmation.

  • Audit log reports
  • Site Activity
  • Shape and combine data
  • Power Automate to update datasets

Remove the support burden from IT by providing self services access where all frequently asked IT questions and answers are managed

  • Organize information by IT Category for easy browsing
  • Powerful Search to quickly get answers
  • Most viewed Q&A rise to the top
  • New questions are easily submited and routed to the appropriate IT staff be added to the IT Helpdesk KB for everyone

Personalized and centralized list of all the applications the logged-in employee uses to get work done right at their fingertips.

  • Eliminate jumping around to find an application
  • Listed App Name, Recognizable Icon and Description
  • One click to launch and run with SSO
  • Centrally Managed or enable users to Manage

For those wanting to maintain a SharePoint Hub for communication and provide a centralized view of what is happening in Teams

  • See all your Teams and Personal Chat Steam
  • Respond right in SharePoint
  • Navigate all your Teams and Channels
  • Start a chat in any Channel

Manage access to all your Corporate Resources

  • Filter out the noise and display only the resources specific to each user
  • Centrally Managed or enable users to Manage
  • Customizable icons, Title, Descriptions and URL

Quick Links offer a great way to share relevant links to internal and external resources on your Digital Workplace

  • Apply persona targeting to deliver only relevant links
  • Easily control display options and formatting
  • Add images or Icons

Single source to find the people and experts within your organization and navigate the right skills and contact information

  • Profile details (department, email, phone, chat, location, about me)
  • Org Chart displays user supervisor and all direct reports
  • Powerful search always finds the person and skills you are looking for

Allows you to get information from websites or other pieces of software and other services in a more conversational way using Artificial Intelligence.

  • Power Virtual Agent intelligent chatbots
  • Integrate Chatbots in to existing systems
  • AI assisted personalized and natural conversations

Access to your Digital Workplace from Apple and Google devices. Also available in all modern mobile browsers with responsive design.

  • Dedicated Mobiles Apps access
  • Frontline worker access on mobile
  • Responsive and Progressive Web App